Subject to rule 54, a tax invoice referred to in section 31 shall be issued by the registered person containing the following particulars, namely,-
a. name, address and Goods and Services Tax Identification Number of the supplier;
b. a consecutive serial number not exceeding sixteen characters, in one or multiple series, containing alphabets or numerals or special characters- hyphen or dash and slash symbolised as ―- and ―/ respectively, and any combination thereof, unique for a financial year;
c. date of its issue;
d. name, address and Goods and Services Tax Identification Number or Unique Identity Number, if registered, of the recipient;
e. name and address of the recipient and the address of delivery, along with the name of the State and its code, if such recipient is un-registered and where the value of the taxable supply is fifty thousand rupees or more;
f. name and address of the recipient and the address of delivery, along with the name of the State and its code, if such recipient is un-registered and where the value of the taxable supply is less than fifty thousand rupees and the recipient requests that such details be recorded in the tax invoice;
82[Provided that 84[in cases involving supply of online money gaming or in cases] where any taxable service is supplied by or through an electronic commerce operator or by a supplier of online information and database access or retrieval services to a recipient who is un-registered, irrespective of the value of such supply, a tax invoice issued by the registered person shall contain the 83[name of the state of the recipient and the same shall be deemed to be the address on record of the recipient.]]
g. Harmonised System of Nomenclature code for goods or services;
h. description of goods or services;
i. quantity in case of goods and unit or Unique Quantity Code thereof;
j. total value of supply of goods or services or both;
k. taxable value of the supply of goods or services or both taking into account discount or abatement, if any;
l. rate of tax (central tax, State tax, integrated tax, Union territory tax or cess);
m. amount of tax charged in respect of taxable goods or services (central tax, State tax, integrated tax, Union territory tax or cess);
n. place of supply along with the name of the State, in the case of a supply in the course of inter-State trade or commerce;
o. address of delivery where the same is different from the place of supply;
p. whether the tax is payable on reverse charge basis; and
q. signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorised representative:
79[(r) Quick Response code , having embedded Invoice Reference Number (IRN) in it, in case invoice has been issued in the manner prescribed under sub-rule (4) of rule 48.]
81[(s) a declaration as below, that invoice is not required to be issued in the manner specified under sub-rule (4) of rule 48, in all cases where an invoice is issued, other than in the manner so specified under the said sub-rule (4) of rule 48, by the taxpayer having aggregate turnover in any preceding financial year from 2017-18 onwards more than the aggregate turnover as notified under the said sub-rule (4) of rule 48-
"I/We hereby declare that though our aggregate turnover in any preceding financial year from 2017-18 onwards is more than the aggregate turnover notified under sub-rule (4) of rule 48, we are not required to prepare an invoice in terms of the provisions of the said sub-rule.]
80[Provided that the Board may, on the recommendations of the Council, by notification, specify-
(i) the number of digits of Harmonised System of Nomenclature code for goods or services that a class of registered persons shall be required to mention; or
(ii) a class of supply of goods or services for which specified number of digits of Harmonised System of Nomenclature code shall be required to be mentioned by all registered taxpayers; and
(iii) the class of registered persons that would not be required to mention the Harmonised System of
Nomenclature code for goods or services:]
85[***] Omitted
86[Provided further that in the case of] the export of goods or services, the invoice shall carry an endorsement ―SUPPLY MEANT FOR EXPORT/SUPPLY TO SEZ UNIT OR SEZ DEVELOPER FOR AUTHORISED OPERATIONS ON PAYMENT OF INTEGRATED TAX or ―SUPPLY MEANT FOR EXPORT/SUPPLY TO SEZ UNIT OR SEZ DEVELOPER FOR AUTHORISED OPERATIONS UNDER BOND OR LETTER OF UNDERTAKING WITHOUT PAYMENT OF INTEGRATED TAX, as the case may be, and shall, in lieu of the details specified in clause (e), contain the following details, namely,- (i) name and address of the recipient; (ii) address of delivery; and (iii) name of the country of destination:]74
Provided also that a registered person[, other than the supplier engaged in making supply of services by way of admission to exhibition of cinematograph films in multiplex screens,]75may not issue a tax invoice in accordance with the provisions of clause (b) of sub-section (3) of section 31 subject to the following conditions, namely,-
a. the recipient is not a registered person; and
b. the recipient does not require such invoice, and shall issue a consolidated tax invoice for such supplies at the close of each day in respect of all such supplies.
[Provided also that the signature or digital signature of the supplier or his authorised representative shall not be required in the case of issuance of an electronic invoice in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (21 of 2000).]76
[Provided also that the Government may, by notification, on the recommendations of the Council, and subject to such conditions and restrictions as mentioned therein, specify that the tax invoice shall have Quick Response (QR) code.]77
Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 46 or rule 49 or rule 54, where a registered person is supplying taxable as well as exempted goods or services or both to an unregistered person, a single ―invoice-cum-bill of supply may be issued for all such supplies.]78
83[Provided that the said single "invoice-cum-bill of supply" shall contain the particulars as specified under rule 46 or rule 54, as the case may be, and rule 49.;]
74Amended vide Notf no. 17/2017-CT dt. 27.07.2017. Till then it read as follows –
Provided also that in the case of the export of goods or services, the invoice shall carry an endorsement
TAX‖, as the case may be, and shall, in lieu of the details specified in clause (e), contain the following details, namely,-
- name and address of the recipient;
- address of delivery; and
- name of the country of destination.
75 Inserted vide Notf no. 33/2019-CT dt. 18.07.2019 with effect from 01.09.2019
76Inserted vide Notf no. 74/2018-CT dt. 31.12.2018
77 Inserted vide Notf no. 31/2019 – CT dt. 28.06.2019 with effect from a date to be notified later
78Inserted vide Notf no. 45/2017-CT dt. 13.10.2017
79 Inserted vide Notification number 72/2020 dated 30.09.2020.
80 Substituted Vide Notification No.79/2020 Dated 15.10.2020.
81. Clause Inserted Vide Notification Number 14/2022 Dated 05.07.2022.
82. Inserted Vide Notification No. 26/2022, Dated : 26.12.2022, W.e.f. 26.12.2022
83. Substituted Vide Notification No. 38/2023, Dated : 04.08.2023, w.e.f. 04.08.2023. Before it was read as "name and address of the recipient along with its PIN code and the name of the State and the said address shall be deemed to be the address on record of the recipient."
84. Inserted Vide Notification No. 51/2023, Dated : 29.09.2023, w.e.f. 01.10.2023
85. Provisio Omitted Vide Notification Number 20/2024 Dated 08.10.2024 w.e.f. 01.11.2024
86. Provisio Substituted Vide Notification Number 20/2024 Dated 08.10.2024 w.e.f. 01.11.2024. For “Provided also that in the case of”.